It was a long time ago…
It was a long time ago the last time I wrote on this blog. And today I write again.
What happened during all this time? Why did I stop? And why am I starting again?
But let’s take this step-by-step…
Many things happened…
Maybe the most important new, which shook my life and forced me to reinvent all my plans, is that I had my third baby! He is 14 months already, his Chinese name is Dong Sheng (raised in the East) and he was born in Suzhou, a beautiful September day. Even if his arrival was unexpected, he makes our family happy every day more! But, as you can imagine, being pregnant, giving birth and raising a newborn (and at the same time taking care of the other two) it's a very time-consuming activity, and the time for writing became less and less.
Considering also that last year I published my first novel, I even had no time to breath!
I choose the self-publishing, so marketing and promotion were all on me. An exciting, but huge work!
The novel is the story of three Italian women, who left their life behind and follow their husbands in China. But I will tell you more about the book in the next posts!
I spend a lot of time promoting the book: as a surprise to myself, I discovered I am able to speak in public, and I even like it! I did many public talks to introduce the book, both in China and Italy, and it has been a great experience for me!
I appeared on many Italian web sites about expat life, and on my city newspaper as well. If you are curious, you can see all the interviews and article on my Italian blog
So, this was a very exciting job and gave me many satisfactions. But it left me no time for anything else (actually, I still wonder how I could manage to do all those things!).
Now I feel ready to start the write-an-Englis-blog adventure again! My dream is to give voice, through these pages, to all the women who move following their husbands and to motivate them to make the most of their expat life.